Return 2 School Plan

Germantown Elementary School District #60 adopted a Layered COVID Mitigation Plan that went into effect on Monday, February 7, 2022.  We plan to continue with this plan for the 2022-23 school year.  The general public is welcome to provide input and comments on this plan by contacting Robin Becker at (618)523-4253 or

The strategies we plan to continue implementing at GES #60 to mitigate COVID are as follows: 

  1. A very high percentage of our faculty and staff are vaccinated against COVID-19.  Information on vaccination clinics will be shared with families.  

  2. Staff and students will stay home when they are sick with COVID-like symptoms or illness. 

  3. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette will be encouraged. 

  4. The facilities will be regularly cleaned and sanitized.

  5. With parent consent, students and/or staff with symptoms or who were potentially exposed can be tested at school.

  6. Per state law, school personnel will notify the Clinton County Health Department of any known or suspected cases of COVID-19.

  7. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be excluded from school for five (5) calendar days.

  8. Children with disabilities will be provided with appropriate health and safety accommodations.

  9. The correct wearing of masks will be encouraged when masks are required.

  10. The CARE Team will work collaboratively with the school social worker and the classroom teachers to ensure that all needs including the student’s academic, social, emotional, and mental health are met. 

Consistent with CDC Guidance, the superintendent is directed by the Germantown Elementary SD #60 Board of Education to implement a layered mitigation system.  All mitigations at GES #60 will be based on the level of risk indicated by COVID-19 spread within our school building.  

Level 1 – Minimal Transmission 

Level 1 status is defined as low transmission rates, low positivity rates, and limited risk of COVID-19. 

  • Mitigation strategies as outlined above are implemented with fidelity.  

  • Masks are recommended but not required during school.  Extra-curricular masking requirements will be determined by the SIJHSAA.  

  • Metric Threshold:  Internal COVID positivity rate of lower than 3%.  This equates to 6 or fewer positive student and/or staff COVID cases at any one given time.  

Level 2 – Moderate Transmission 

Level 2 status is defined as moderate transmission and positivity rates are increasing internally.  

  • Mitigation strategies as outlined above are implemented with fidelity.  

  • Mandated and or targeted use of situational masking:

  • Masks must be worn in those situations determined to be “high risk” of potential transmission such as a particular classroom or classrooms.  

  • Metric Threshold:  An Internal COVID positivity rate of 3%.  This equates to 7 positive student and/or staff COVID cases at any one given time. 

Level 3 – Substantial Transmission 

Level 3 status is defined as a significant increase in positive cases internally.  

  • Mitigation strategies as outlined above are implemented with fidelity.  

  • Increased physical distancing in all spaces to the greatest extent possible.   

  • Masks required for all.  

  • Metrics Threshold: An Internal COVID positivity rate of 4% or higher.  This equates to 10 or more student and/or staff COVID cases at any one given time. 

The transmission level will be determined on Friday afternoon, and based on that rate, mitigations will be implemented the following week.

Please note that Germantown Elementary does have students and teachers who are considered high-risk.  In some situations, even in Level 1 and 2 as outlined above, individuals may be asked to wear a mask when they are around these individuals.  Please encourage your child to be considerate of the health of others and wear a mask in these circumstances.  It could save a life.  

Remote Learning

For students on quarantine: 

  • The classroom teacher(s) will arrange for all assignments/activities to be accessible remotely.  

  • All activities will be standards-aligned.

  • The teacher(s) will work collaboratively with the student(s) to ensure they receive the instruction and support needed to remain on track. 

  •  Communication with the teacher(s) will be conducted via email and virtual meetings.  

  • The district’s Special Education Liaison/RtI Coordinator will oversee the remote instruction of students in tier 2 and 3 as well as those with an IEP.  This individual will also oversee the student’s return to school to ensure a smooth transition.   

  • Attendance will be taken via the daily communication between the teacher(s) and the quarantined student.